About Us

We make sure you find the suiting content at your comfort zone. Amazing blockbuster, action packed and featured films are now a few clicks away. It is our sole purpose to make sure you enjoy the suspense, thrills, action and fun right at the comfort of your homes with no back breaking costs.

You watch the best and most recent releases exactly how you want it from HD to Ultra HD viewing choices.
With Afri-MOVIEBOX your screen’s got your attention!

How it works?


Create an account

Provide the required user registration details and set up your profile.


Choose your Plan

You have the options to choose the Silva, Gold or Platinum Afri MovieBox plan.


Enjoy Afri MovieBox

You can watch movies of different genres anywhere and anytime. You take the fun with you.

Our Features

Ultra HD

Afri MovieBox provides you with the ability to stream movies or download them in different file sizes and qualities starting at the 480p through the 720p and up to the ultra HD resolutions. We are happy to see you have the cinema experience at your own comfort zone.


We provide contents that include and are not limited to blockbuster Movies, Action & Adventure, Thriller Movies, Comedy, Children & Family Movies, New Releases, Dramas, Exciting Movies, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Family Features, Romantic Movies, Action Thrillers, Horror Movies, Action Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Dramas Based on Books, Adventures, Romantic Favorites.

Afri MovieBox accessibility

Afri MovieBox is accessible to anyone anywhere quite affordably at the comfort of your homes.


Be sure to remain on top of any important update, information and upgrades as we plan to keep you informed by notifying you in due time on any new development.


Find Afri MovieBox on Google play store for android OS and on Apple store for iOS users.

Multi Language Subtitles

Movie subtitling will be limited to titles that have already been made available in the movie.